Shed at the bottom of the garden…

Grandpa's shed
I turn a corner down the path of my grandparent’s cottage. The door of the garden shed creaks slightly, swaying on its tired rusty hinge, the subtle breeze nudging the wooden frame. It is empty inside, but filled with a damp musty smell that my nostrils recognise from past years of hide and seek where I would hold my nose to stop it from sneezing. Time seems to have solidified under the moss encrusted canopy of glass above. The plastic plant pots, the deck chairs, the gardening tools have gone and a girl much older and much bigger than the shed remembers, stands, slightly hunched, peering around to gather the soil and debris of her cherished memories.

About hannahvaughan14

I always have my nose in a book, I love writing, drawing, reading, anything creative! Ideas constantly crowd my head and so I have to get them down onto paper somehow before they fly off again...
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2 Responses to Shed at the bottom of the garden…

  1. safia says:

    A lovely post! I’ve just written about my dad’s shed LOL. Enjoyed my visit to your blog – keep writing – you have talent. 🙂

  2. Thanks! Brightened my day 🙂

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